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Tarot Reader Certification
Pre-Course Information and Welcome
Welcome and Tarot Deck suggestions (0:20)
2025 Tarot Study Sessions - 25th Feb
Week 1: Laying The Foundation for Great Tarot Readings
Welcome to Week 1 + Workbook (0:29)
Stop. Drop. Tarot (1:23)
What is Tarot? (1:52)
What Tarot Can and Cannot Do (2:15)
Tarot Myths Debunked (4:10)
Caring for Your Tarot Deck (4:39)
How to shuffle your Tarot cards (7:11)
Blessing Ritual (2:39)
The Fool's Journey (9:48)
Embodying the Tarot Cards Meditation (4:47)
Week 1 Homework (4:26)
Just for fun: watch the Tarot documentary
Week 2 - Develop Your Connection With The Major Arcana (Part 1)
Welcome to Week 2 + Workbook (1:57)
The Fool (2:40)
The Magician (2:26)
The High Priestess (1:29)
The Empress (2:12)
The Emperor (2:06)
The Hierophant (2:05)
The Lovers (2:07)
The Chariot (1:53)
Strength (1:54)
The Hermit (1:57)
The Wheel of Fortune (1:35)
Tips for Reading and Interpreting the Cards (3:04)
Major Arcana 0 - 10 Flashcards
Major Arcana Keyword Glossary
Week 2 Homework (4:33)
Just for fun: Watch the Dior Le Château du Tarot
Week 3 - Develop Your Connection With The Major Arcana (Part 2)
Welcome to Week 3 + Workbook (0:19)
Justice (2:15)
The Hanged Man (1:56)
Death (2:16)
Temperance (1:55)
The Devil (2:03)
The Tower (2:32)
The Star (2:13)
The Moon (1:58)
The Sun (1:49)
Judgement (1:54)
The World (1:54)
Significator Card (8:43)
Tarot Reading Ethics (9:05)
Major Arcana 11 - 21 Flashcards
Week 3 Homework (4:57)
Just for fun: Watch a movie following The Fool's Journey
Week 4 - The Cups and Tarot Numerology
Welcome to Week 4 + Workbook (0:23)
Introduction to Suit of Cups (1:20)
Story of Cups (2:42)
Ace of Cups (1:53)
Two of Cups (1:54)
Three of Cups (1:53)
Four of Cups (1:45)
Five of Cups (1:41)
Six of Cups (1:34)
Seven of Cups (1:43)
Eight of Cups (1:57)
Nine of Cups (1:54)
Ten of Cups (1:39)
Numerology and the Tarot (5:45)
Top questions to ask the Tarot (5:43)
The Cups 1-10 Flashcards
Cups Keyword Glossary
Week 4 Homework (5:42)
Optional Practicum: The Cups In Real Life
Just for fun: Watch a movie with a Cups theme
Week 5 - The Swords and Tips and Tricks For Reading The Cards
Welcome to Week 5 + Workbook (0:19)
Introduction to Suit of Swords (2:04)
Story of Swords (2:48)
Ace of Swords (1:28)
Two of Swords (1:40)
Three of Swords (2:11)
Four of Swords (2:01)
Five of Swords (1:29)
Six of Swords (1:34)
Seven of Swords (1:40)
Eight of Swords (1:52)
Nine of Swords (1:50)
Ten of Swords (1:42)
Tarot and Colour (4:02)
The Swords 1 - 10 Flashcards
Swords Keyword Glossary
Week 5 Homework (3:43)
Optional Practicum: The Swords In Real Life
Optional Practicum: Do a reading with only the Swords
Week 6 - The Wands and Astrology and the Tarot
Welcome to Week 6 + Workbook (0:15)
Introduction to Suit of Wands (1:17)
Story of Wands (2:37)
Ace of Wands (1:19)
Two of Wands (1:12)
Three of Wands (1:10)
Four of Wands (1:13)
Five of Wands (1:43)
Six of Wands (1:11)
Seven of Wands (1:25)
Eight of Wands (1:20)
Nine of Wands (1:26)
Ten of Wands (1:25)
Tarot and Timing, Predictive Tarot (8:07)
The Wands 1 - 10 Flashcards
Wands Keyword Glossary
Week 6 Homework (8:31)
Gettin' Cozy with the Celtic Cross (22:45)
Optional Practicum: The Wands In Real Life
Optional Practicum: Do a reading with only the Wands
Optional Practicum: Major Arcana Pillar Reading (3:23)
Week 7 - The Pentacles and Tarot Cards Connections
Welcome to Week 7 (0:18)
Introduction to Suit of Pentacles (1:21)
Story of Pentacles (3:01)
Ace of Pentacles (1:11)
Two of Pentacles (1:17)
Three of Pentacles (1:13)
Four of Pentacles (1:21)
Five of Pentacles (1:19)
Six of Pentacles (1:13)
Seven of Pentacles (1:16)
Eight of Pentacles (1:18)
Nine of Pentacles (1:28)
Ten of Pentacles (1:19)
Tarot Card Connections (4:02)
Grounding and Centering Meditation (6:28)
How Ethony Builds Spreads/ Reads for Client (14:43)
The Pentacles 1 - 10 Flashcards
Pentacles Keyword Glossary
Week 7 Homework (1:06)
Optional Practicum: The Pentacles In Real Life
Optional Practicum: Do a reading with only the Pentacles
Week 8 - The Court Cards, Personalities and People of the Tarot
Welcome to Week 8 + Workbook (0:36)
Introduction to Court Cards (1:32)
The Pages (0:47)
Pages of Cups (2:13)
Page of Swords (2:12)
Page of Wands (2:32)
Page of Pentacles (2:12)
The Knights (0:47)
Knight of Cups (2:22)
Knight of Swords (2:15)
Knight of Wands (2:07)
Knight of Pentacles (2:20)
The Queens (0:48)
Queen of Cups (2:23)
Queen of Swords (1:37)
Queen of Wands (2:01)
Queen of Pentacles (2:08)
The Kings (0:32)
King of Cups (2:18)
King of Swords (2:22)
King of Wands (2:00)
King of Pentacles (2:46)
Attributes of Cups (2:56)
Attributes of Swords (2:52)
Attributes of Wands (2:27)
Attributes of Pentacles (3:21)
Physical Attributes of the Court (2:12)
Meet your Soul Card Meditation (6:07)
The Court Cards Flashcards
Week 8 Homework (5:56)
Certification Student Case Studies (2:32)
Certification Final Exam Info (1:57)
Congratulations! (0:19)
Week 9: Your Ideal Tarot Clients and Where To Find Them
Your Ideal Clients Workbook
Call One (70:51)
Call Two (61:04)
Homework portal instructions for Certification Students
How to access the homework portal (1:21)
How to submit homework (1:33)
Teach online with
Optional Practicum: The Swords In Real Life
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